Update: Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak in Democratic Republic of Congo

Update: Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak in Democratic Republic of Congo

25 July 2018

The end of the Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) was announced on 24 July (see WHO press release: http://www.who.int/news-room/detail/24-07-2018-ebola-outbreak-in-drc-ends-who-calls-for-international-efforts-to-stop-other-deadly-outbreaks-in-the-country). This outbreak marked the ninth EVD epidemic in the DRC with a total of 53 cases of viral haemorrhagic fever reported since April 2018. These included 38 laboratory confirmed EVD cases and 15 probable cases (cases with no laboratory confirmation). A total of 29 deaths were reported, relating to a case fatality rate of 54.7%. No new cases were reported since the 6 June 2018. The cases were reported from the three health zones of Bikoro, Iboko and Wangata located in the Equateur Province. No exported cases of EVD to other countries were reported.

Follow these links to read more about the outbreak and the containment efforts that brought it to an end:

World Health Organization, press release, 24 July 2018: http://www.who.int/news-room/detail/24-07-2018-ebola-outbreak-in-drc-ends-who-calls-for-international-efforts-to-stop-other-deadly-outbreaks-in-the-country.

World Health Organization, Ebola virus disease webpage: http://www.who.int/ebola/en/.

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