UJ Student Visits To The NIOH

Hygiene StudentsA fun filled learning experience for the 32 University of Johannesburg students who recently came to the NIOH for practical occupational hygiene training which formed part of their curriculum.

The Occupational Hygiene section of the NIOH hosts students once a year for 2 days as part of their curriculum. Sixteen students were hosted on each day and they were divided into four groups of four students each to facilitate interactive training at the various workstations. The interactive training included practical aspects of sampling methodology, use of monitoring and weighing equipment, interpretation of measurements and calculations to be used.

Hygiene StudentsThe students in their third year of Environmental Health studies at the University of Johannesburg, had come yearning for knowledge, and the staff members of the Occupational Hygiene Section were more than willing to share their experience and skills.

The students were put through their paces on subjects such as, noise measurement, monitoring of heat stress and illumination, asbestos fibre counting, dust sampling and ionising radiation. With the thought of an exam at the end of the day looming large, they eagerly consumed every bit of knowledge flung at them.

Hygiene StudentsThe two days were filled with a fast- paced theory and practical sessions that included training videos, and introduced the students to the fundamentals of occupational hygiene, sampling and the practicalities of the measurements.

One of the comments received: “It was a great session and the nice thing is that we got exposed to the practical side of measurements and how to do them.”

For more information on student training please contact:
Kevin Renton
+27(0)11 712 6479

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