The COVID-19 crisis in South Africa: Protecting the vulnerable

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to cause a global health crisis. With over 12 million cases recorded worldwide, it is expected to be with us for a long time. In South Africa alone, over 200 000 cases have been reported since the first case was recorded in March 2020, and over 3 000 deaths have been reported. The country’s health system, as a result, has since taken a toll due to the number of hospitalised COVID-19 patients needing care. Authors Lucille Blumberg, Waasila Jassat, Mark Mendelson and Cheryl Cohen, respectively, discuss the need to prioritise and protect South Africa’s vulnerable population in an article published on the South African Medical Journal titled, ‘The COVID-19 crisis in South Africa: Protecting the vulnerable.’ A key highlight from the authors is that “personal protection is key. Furthermore, persons with comorbidities need to work with their healthcare providers to optimise control of their illness.”

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