As of today, a cumulative total of 642 431 confirmed COVID-19 cases in South Africa have been recorded with 1 990 new cases identified.

Case Data

ProvinceTotal cases for 09 September 2020Percentage total
Eastern Cape87 04013,5
Free State40 4566,3
Gauteng213 74133,3
KwaZulu-Natal115 37218,0
Limpopo13 9002,2
Mpumalanga25 3113,9
North West26 5804,1
Northern Cape12 4071,9
Western Cape107 62416,8
Total642 431100,0


The total number of tests conducted to date is 3 842 898 with 21 736 new tests conducted since the last report

SectorTotal testedNew tested
PRIVATE2 182 71557%13 89464%
PUBLIC1 660 18343%7 84236%
Total3 842 89821 736


Total Deaths and Recoveries

Regrettably, we report 82 more COVID-19 related deaths: 10 from KwaZulu-Natal, 27 from Gauteng, 5 from Eastern Cape, 8 from Free State, 10 from North West, 22 from Western Cape. This brings the total number of COVID-19 related deaths to 15 168.

We extend our condolences to the loved ones of the departed and thank the health care workers that treated the deceased patients.

Our recoveries now stand at 569 935 which translates to a recovery rate of 88,7%

ProvinceTotal DeathsTotal RecoveriesActive Cases
Eastern Cape3 01282 8421 186
Free State80627 12912 521
Gauteng3 860188 98720 894
KwaZulu-Natal2 356103 4379 579
Limpopo25712 989654
Mpumalanga41623 917978
North West2952 16734 612
Northern Cape1509 0753 182
Western Cape4 01699 8863 722
National15 168569 93557 328
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