Media Statement

9 February 2021


Today the cumulative number of COVID-19 cases identified in South Africa is 1 479 253.

Province Total cases for 09 February 2021 Percentage total
Eastern Cape 192894 13,0
Free State 77797 5,3
Gauteng 395125 26,7
KwaZulu-Natal 321886 21,8
Limpopo 59885 4,0
Mpumalanga 67660 4,6
North West 58610 4,0
Northern Cape 32684 2,2
Western Cape 272712 18,4
Unknown 0 0,0
Total 1479253 100,0


The cumulative total of tests conducted to date is 8 538 269 with 26 859 new tests recorded since the last report.

Sector Total tested   New tested  
PRIVATE 4 820 356 56% 16 458 61%
PUBLIC 3 717 913 44% 10 401 39%
Total 8 538 269   26 859  


Deaths and Recoveries

Regrettably, we report a further 396 COVID-19 related deaths: Eastern Cape 20, Free State 6, Gaut- eng 81, Kwa-Zulu Natal 85, Limpopo 118, Mpumalanga 18, Northern Cape 3 and Western Cape 65 which brings the total to 46 869 deaths

We convey our condolences to the loved ones of the departed and thank the health care workers who treated the deceased patients.

Our recoveries now stand at 1 367 247, representing a recovery rate of 92%

Province 09 February 2021 09 February 2021 09 February 2021
Eastern Cape 10995 178 949 2 950
Free State 2896 67 021 7 880
Gauteng 8741 380 150 6 234
KwaZulu-Natal 9176 289 731 22 979
Limpopo 1614 56 216 2 055
Mpumalanga 1112 64 384 2 164
North West 1027 50 445 7 138
Northern Cape 605 28 429 3 650
Western Cape 10703 251 922 10 087
Unknown 0 0 0
Total 46 869 1 367 247 65 137


Dr. Zwelini Mkhize Minister of Health


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