As of today, a cumulative total of  636 884 confirmed COVID-19 cases in South Africa have been recorded with 1806 new cases identified.

Case Data

ProvinceTotal cases for 5 Sept 2020Percentage total
Eastern Cape86 75513,6
Free State39 4866,2
Gauteng212 56433,4
KwaZulu-Natal114 64618,0
Limpopo13 6652,1
Mpumalanga24 9763,9
North West26 0924,1
Northern Cape11 7181,8
Western Cape106 98216,8
Total636 884100,0


Testing Data

The total number of tests conducted to date is 3 783 823 with 18 123 tests conducted since the last report.

SectorTotal testedNew tested
Private2 146 25857%10 45958%
Public1 637 56543%7 66442%
Total3 783 82318 123


Reported Deaths and Recoveries

Regrettably, we report 101 new COVID-19 related deaths: 45 from KwaZulu Natal, 16 from Gauteng, 11 from Eastern Cape,  19 from Free State and 10 from Western Cape. This brings the cumulative number of deaths to 14 779

We convey our condolences to the loved ones of the departed and thank the health care workers who treated the deceased.

The number of recoveries currently stands at 561 204 which translates to a recovery rate of 88%

The provincial breakdown is as follows:

ProvinceDeathsRecoveries Active Cases
Eastern Cape297982 2331543
Free State77627 12911 581
Gauteng3789186 73122 044
KwaZulu-Natal2263101 79710 586
Limpopo21412 702 749
Mpumalanga37823 4751123
North West27520 5545263
Northern Cape14575734000
Western Cape396099 0104012
Total14 779561 20460 901
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