Latest confirmed cases of COVID-19 in South Africa (5 Nov 2020)

As of today, the cumulative number of detected COVID-19 cases is 732 414 with 1 866 new cases identified since the last report.

Province Total cases for 05 November 2020 Percentage total
Eastern Cape 99380 13,6
Free State 57618 7,9
Gauteng 229702 31,4
KwaZulu-Natal 123617 16,9
Limpopo 17784 2,4
Mpumalanga 30070 4,1
North West 33692 4,6
Northern Cape 22210 3,0
Western Cape 118341 16,2
Unknown 0 0,0
Total 732414 100,0


The cumulative number of tests conducted to date is 4 917 625 with 23 942 new tests conducted since the last report.

Sector Total tested   New tested  
PRIVATE 2 833 493 58% 15 208 64%
PUBLIC 2 084 132 42% 8 734 36%
Total 4 917 625   23 942  

Total Deaths and Recoveries

Regrettably, we report 92 COVID-19 related deaths today: 27 from Eastern Cape, 7 from Gauteng, 17 from the Free State, 4 from KwaZulu Natal, 1 from Mpumalanga, 23 from North West, 8 from Northern Cape and 5 from Western Cape. This brings the total number of COVID-19 related deaths to 19 677. Of the 92 deaths reported today, 23 were reported to have occurred in the past 24-48 hours: 4 in the Free State, 9 in Eastern Cape, 5 in Gauteng, 1 in Northern Cape and 4 in Western Cape

We extend our condolences to the loved ones of the departed and thank the health- care workers that treated the deceased patients. Our recoveries now stand at 671 579 which translates to a recovery rate of 91,7%

Province Total Deaths Total Recoveries Active Cases
Eastern Cape 3813 90919 4648
Free State 1548 45128 10942
Gauteng 4852 218990 5860
KwaZulu-Natal 3241 113231 7145
Limpopo 460 16762 562
Mpumalanga 607 28841 622
North West 475 29652 3565
Northern Cape 292 18387 3531
Western Cape 4389 109669 4283
National 19 677 671 579 41 158


Dr Zwelini Mkhize
Minister of Health

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