As of today, a cumulative total of  627 041  confirmed COVID-19 cases in South Africa have been recorded with 1985 new cases identified.

Case Data

ProvinceTotal cases for 31 Aug 2020Percentage total
Eastern Cape86 16313,7
Free State37 8885,9
Gauteng210 16933,5
KwaZulu-Natal113 00618,0
Limpopo13 2652,1
Mpumalanga24 4053,8
North West25 3484,0
Northern Cape10 7261,6
Western Cape106 02116,9
Total627 041100,0


Testing Data

The total number of tests conducted to date is 3 693 721 with 18 849 new tests conducted since the last report.

SectorTotal testedNew tested
Private2 091 56557%14 47277%
Public1 602 15644%4 37723%
Total3 693 72118 849


Reported Deaths and Recoveries

Regrettably, we report 121 new COVID-19 related deaths: 20 from Eastern Cape, 20 from Gauteng, 8 from North West, 1 from KwaZulu Natal, 16 from Free State, 23 from Limpopo, 9 from the Northern Cape and 24 from Western Cape. This brings the cumulative number of deaths to 14 149

We convey our condolences to the loved ones of the departed and thank the health care workers who treated the deceased.

The number of recoveries currently stands at 540 923 which translates to a recovery rate of 86%

The provincial breakdown is as follows:

ProvinceDeathsRecoveries Active Cases
Eastern Cape289681 3731894
Free State70923 18013 999
Gauteng3592182 46624 111
KwaZulu-Natal213995 99314 874
Limpopo20212 398665
Mpumalanga34122 7381326
North West24818 6366464
Northern Cape12970033594
Western Cape389397 1364992
Total14 149540 92371 919
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