Media Statement  

As of today the cumulative total of COVID-19 cases identified is 1 039 161 with 17 710 (positivity rate 33%) cases identified since the last report. The positivity rate, being an indicator of the rapidity of spread, remains of major concern.

ProvinceTotal cases for 30 December 2020Percentage total
Eastern Cape169 36316,3
Free State62 2876,0
Gauteng282 64227,2
KwaZulu-Natal194 62918,7
Limpopo24 1062,3
Mpumalanga36 1593,5
North West39 5313,8
Northern Cape25 1642,4
Western Cape205 28019,8
Total1 039 161100,0

A cumulative 6 553 761 tests have been conducted with 53 279 tests completed since the last report.

SectorTotal tested New tested 
PRIVATE3 806 42158%33 05862%
PUBLIC2 747 34042%20 22138%
Total6 553 761 53 279 

Regrettably, 465 more COVID-19 related deaths have been reported: Eastern Cape 88, Free State 4, Gauteng 41, KwaZulu-Natal 144, Limpopo 16, Northern Cape 7 and Western Cape 165. This brings the total deaths to 28 033 deaths.

We convey our condolences to the loved ones of the departed and thank the health care workers who treated the deceased.

Our recoveries currently stand at 867 597. This represents a recovery rate of 83%.

 Total DeathsTotal RecoveriesActive Cases
Eastern Cape7 259157 2164 888
Free State2 16754 7545 366
Gauteng5 465251 49225 685
KwaZulu-Natal4 278135 37054 981
Limpopo57219 8373 697
Mpumalanga64032 7262 793
North West57734 6594 295
Northern Cape38622 3032 475
Western Cape6 689159 24039 351
 28 033867 597143 531


Dr Zwelini Mkhize

Minister of Health


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