Media Statement

As of today the cumulative number of COVID-19 cases identified in South Africa on 26 May 2021 is 1 649 977, with 4 424 new cases reported over the past 24 hours. 

ProvinceTotal cases for 27 May 2021Percentage total
Eastern Cape197 46212.0
Free State99 5176.0
Gauteng450 37727.3
KwaZulu-Natal339 37620.6
Limpopo65 0863.9
Mpumalanga81 8065.0
North West74 7064.5
Northern Cape49 0463.0
Western Cape292 60117.7
Total1 649 977100,0

Testing Data 

The number of tests conducted to date is 11 495 627. Of these 43 442 tests were conducted since the last report.

SectorTotal tested New tested 
PRIVATE6 473 51256%23 59154%
PUBLIC5 022 11544%19 85146%
Total11 495 627 43 442 

Deaths and Recoveries

In the last 24 hours, 93 deaths have been reported: Eastern Cape 1, Free State 17, Gauteng 42, KwaZulu-Natal 3, Limpopo 15, Mpumalanga 0, North West 0, Northern Cape 0 and West- ern Cape 15 which brings the total to 56 170 deaths. We convey our condolences to the loved ones of the departed and thank the health care workers who treated the deceased patients.

The cumulative recoveries now stand at 1 548 092 representing a recovery rate of 93, 8%. 

ProvinceTotal DeathsTotal RecoveriesActive Cases
Eastern Cape11 657185 045760
Free State4 28087 7557 482
Gauteng11 141424 93314 303
KwaZulu-Natal10 500324 6564 220
Limpopo2 43062 035621
Mpumalanga1 43878 6681 700
North West1 88967 0395 778
Northern Cape1 04640 3297 671
Western Cape11 789277 6323 180
Total56 1701 548 09245 715

Vaccination Rollout: 

The total vaccinated under the Sisonke Programme is 479 768. These vaccinations were with the one- dose Johnson and Johnson vaccine and are therefore completed vaccinations. As we indicated, the teams undertook data verification processes over the weekend in preparation for the finalization of a public facing live dashboard. The number reflected today is a result of this process, which removed duplications and vaccinations assigned incorrectly to Sisonke.

The total vaccinated in Phase Two as at midnight today is 348 436. These vaccinations were with the first dose of Pfizer vaccine.

Total individuals vaccinated; Sisonke and Pfizer first dose is 828 204.

Dr. Zwelini Mkhize

Minister of Health

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