Today the institute reports 381 new COVID-19 cases that have been identified in South Africa, which brings the total number of laboratory-confirmed cases to 4 003 883.

Today, the NDoH reports 5 deaths, and of these, 3 occurred in the past 24 – 48 hours. This brings the total fatalities to 101,967 to date.

225 958 257 tests have been conducted in both public and private sectors as per the table below.

Sector Total tested New tested
Private 14,122,373 54.4% 4,670 48.0%
Public 11,835,884 45.6% 5,069 52.0%
Total 25,958,257 100.0% 9,739 100.0%



Province Total cases for 26 July 2022 Adjusted numbers after harmonisation Updated total cases on 26 July 2022 Incident infections for 27 July 2022 Possible reinfections for 27 July 2022 New cases on 27 July 2022 Total cases for 27 July 2022 Percentage total
Eastern Cape 364143 0 364143 15 1 16 364159 9,1
Free State 216048 0 216048 16 0 16 216064 5,4
Gauteng 1325186 0 1325186 110 25 135 1325321 33,1
KwaZulu-Natal 717013 0 717013 43 5 48 717061 17,9
Limpopo 159655 0 159655 8 2 10 159665 4,0
Mpumalanga 202183 0 202183 20 4 24 202207 5,1
North West 202007 0 202007 22 2 24 202031 5,0
Northern Cape 115293 0 115293 1 1 2 115295 2,9
Western Cape 701974 0 701974 91 15 106 702080 17,5
Total 4003502 0 4003502 326 55 381 4003883 100,0


For more detailed information, visit the GIS Dashboard.

There has been an increase of 8 hospital admissions in the past 24 hours. The following table is a summary of reported COVID-19 admissions by sector.


Sector Facilities Reporting Admissions
to Date
Died to Date Currently Admitted
Private 262 250132 40618 491
Public 407 290595 63528 533
TOTAL 669 540727 104146 1024


For updates on the national vaccine programme, click here.

Thank you for your interest and remember that adhering to the following preventative measures helps to limit your risk of contracting and spreading COVID-19.

  • Getting vaccinated for COVID-19
  • Wearing your mask properly to cover your nose
  • Opting to gather in ventilated spaces
  • Avoid unnecessary gatherings
  • Keeping a social distance of one meter or more
  • Washing your hands regularly in the day with soap and water

For more information on COVID-19, click here.


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