As of today, a cumulative total of  615 701  confirmed COVID-19 cases in South Africa have been recorded with 2758 new cases identified.

Case Data

Province Total cases for 26 Aug 2020 Percentage total
Eastern Cape 85 472 14,0
Free State 35 980 5,7
Gauteng 207 610 33,8
KwaZulu-Natal 111 096 18,0
Limpopo 12 795 2,1
Mpumalanga 23 555 3,8
North West 24 646 4,0
Northern Cape 9 500 1,5
Western Cape 104 997 17,2
Unknown 50 0,0
Total 615 701 100,0


Testing Data

The total number of tests conducted to date is 3 598 973 with 20 137 new tests conducted since the last report.

Sector Total tested New tested
Private 2 036 736 57% 11 841 59%
Public 1 562 237 44% 8 296 41%
Total 3 598 973 20 137


Reported Deaths and Recoveries

Regrettably, we report 194 new COVID-19 related deaths: 12 from Eastern Cape, 61 from Gauteng, 57 from KwaZulu Natal,  4 from Northern Cape, and 60 from Western Cape. This brings the cumulative number of deaths to 13 502

We convey our condolences to the loved ones of the departed and thank the health care workers who treated the deceased.

The number of recoveries currently stands at 525 242 which translates to a recovery rate of 85%

The provincial breakdown is as follows:

Province Deaths Recoveries  Active Cases
Eastern Cape 2828 80 614 2030
Free State 567 22 740 12 673
Gauteng 3395 176 513 27 702
KwaZulu-Natal 2054 93 814 15 228
Limpopo 179 11 580 1036
Mpumalanga 312 21 370 1873
North West 224 17 702 6720
Northern Cape 120 6 409 2971
Western Cape 3823 94 500 6674
Total 13 502 525 242 76 907
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