23 May 2021


As of today the cumulative number of COVID-19 cases identified in South Africa is 1 635 465.


Province Total cases for 23 May 2021 Percentage total
Eastern Cape 197093 12,1
Free State 97593 6,0
Gauteng 443846 27,1
KwaZulu-Natal 338853 20,7
Limpopo 64851 4,0
Mpumalanga 81157 5,0
North West 73166 4,5
Northern Cape 47449 2,9
Western Cape 291457 17,8
Unknown 0 0,0
Total 1635465 100,0



Testing Data

The number of tests conducted to date is 11 354 930. Of these 29 355 tests were conducted since the last report



Sector Total tested   New tested  
PRIVATE 6 397 486 56% 16 573 56%
PUBLIC 4 957 444 44% 12 782 44%
Total 11 354 930   29 355  


Deaths and Recoveries


Today, 30 deaths have been reported: Eastern Cape 1, Free State 5, Gauteng 20, Kwa-Zulu Natal 1, Limpopo 0, Mpumalanga 0, North West 0, Northern Cape 0 and Western Cape 3 which brings the total to 55 802 deaths.


We convey our condolences to the loved ones of the departed and thank the health care workers who treated the deceased patients.


The cumulative recoveries now stand at 1 539 395 representing a recovery rate of 94,1%.

Province Total Deaths Total Recoveries Active Cases
Eastern Cape 11643 184 863 587
Free State 4204 86 296 7 093
Gauteng 11032 421 670 11 144
KwaZulu-Natal 10482 324 238 4 133
Limpopo 2397 61 887 567
Mpumalanga 1428 78 267 1 462
North West 1844 66 363 4 959
Northern Cape 1021 38 849 7 579
Western Cape 11751 276 962 2 744
Total 55 802 1 539 395 40 268



Vaccination Rollout:


The total vaccinated under the Sisonke Programme is 480 665. These vaccinations were with the one-dose Johnson and Johnson vaccine and are therefore completed vaccinations.


The total vaccinated in Phase Two as at midnight today is 167 318. These vaccinations were with the first dose of Pfizer vaccine.


Dr. Zwelini Mkhize

Minister of Health

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