Today 17,493 new COVID-19 cases have been identified in South Africa, which brings the total number of laboratory-confirmed cases to 1,861,065. This increase represents a 24.9% positivity rate.

The National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD), a division of the National Health Laboratory Service, continues to monitor the COVID-19 outbreak in order to inform the public health response.  Dr Michelle Groome, Head of the Division of Public Health Surveillance and Response, warns that “the sharp rise in the reported daily COVID-19 cases is cause for concern, especially in the Gauteng Province where daily case numbers are exceeding those seen during the previous two waves.”  She adds, “Ultimately, it is up to each one of us to play our role to reduce the spread of the virus by limiting our interaction with others, as much as possible, during this time”.

A further 166 COVID-19 related deaths have been reported, bringing total fatalities to 59 258 to date. Prof Adrian Puren, Acting Executive Director of the NICD stresses that, the anecdotes from family and friends are real, “It is critical to manage our risks and the risk to others, especially the elderly by limiting contact with others and avoiding gatherings with those who are not part of our safe bubble”.

For more detailed information, visit the GIS Dashboard.

 12 703 421 tests have been conducted in both public and private sectors as per the table below.

Sector Total tested New tested
PRIVATE 7,176,061 56% 45,963 65%
PUBLIC 5,527,360 44% 24,223 35%
Total 12,703,421   70,186  


The majority of new cases today are from the Gauteng province (62%), followed by the Western Cape (10%). The cumulative number of cases by province is shown below:

Province New cases on 23 June 2021 Total cases for 23 June 2021 Percentage total
Eastern Cape 637 203,709 10.9
Free State 491 111,401 6.0
Gauteng 10,806 578,488 31.1
KwaZulu-Natal 917 348,604 18.7
Limpopo 724 70,821 3.8
Mpumalanga 825 90,094 4.8
North West 1,018 88,833 4.8
Northern Cape 297 57,467 3.1
Western Cape 1,778 311 648 16.7
Unknown 0 0 0.0
Total 17,493 1,861,065 100.0


An increase of 622 hospital admissions have been reported in the past 24 hours.

A summary of reported COVID-19 hospital admissions is shown below:

Sector Facilities Reporting Admissions

to Date

Died to Date Currently Admitted
Private 257 139,641 23,279 6879
Public 399 155,906 37,039 3618
TOTAL 656 295,547 60,318 10,497


For updates on the national vaccine programme, click here.

Thank you for your interest and remember that adhering to preventative measures limits your risk of contracting and spreading COVID-19. For more information on COVID-19, click here.

Kind regards,
Sinenhlanhla Jimoh, Senior Communications Manager

National Institute for Communicable Diseases

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