Latest confirmed cases of COVID-19 in South Africa (16 June 2020)

As of today, the cumulative number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in South Africa is 76 334  with 2 810 new cases identified.

Case Data

Province Total cases for 16 June 2020 Percentage total
Eastern Cape 11 039 14,5
Free State 578 0,8
Gauteng 13 023 17,1
KwaZulu-Natal 4048 5,3
Limpopo 391 0,5
Mpumalanga 343 0,4
North West 1281 1,7
Northern Cape 211 0,3
Western Cape 45 357 59,4
Unknown 63 0,1
Total 76 334 100,0


Reported COVID-19 Deaths:

Regrettably, we report 57 more COVID-19 related deaths:  44 from the Western Cape, 9 from the Eastern Cape and 4 from KwaZulu Natal. This brings the total national deaths to 1625  with a mortality rate of 2,1%.

We extend our condolences to the loved ones of the departed and thank the health care workers who treated the deceased.

The recoveries to date are 42 063- this translates to a recovery rate of 55,1%.

The provincial breakdown is as follows:

Province Deaths Recoveries
Eastern Cape 245 5475
Free State 9 222
Gauteng 87 3442
KwaZulu Natal 73 2133
Limpopo 4 213
Mpumalanga 1 138
North West 5 152
Northern Cape 1 52
Western Cape 1200 30 236
Total 1625 42 063


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