As of today the cumulative number of COVID-19 cases identified in South Africa is 1 605 252.

ProvinceTotal cases for 13 May 2021Percentage total
Eastern Cape19645012,2
Free State933905,8
North West700434,4
Northern Cape431872,7
Western Cape28901318,0




Testing Data


The number of tests conducted to date is 11 010 999. Of these 42 073 tests were conducted since the last report


SectorTotal tested New tested 
PRIVATE6 183 32056%28 59368%
PUBLIC4 827 67944%13 48032%
Total11 010 999 42 073 



Deaths and Recoveries


Today, 44 COVID-19 related deaths have been reported: Eastern Cape 2, Free State 19, Gauteng 13, Kwa-Zulu Natal 3, Limpopo 0, Mpumalanga 0, North West 0, Northern Cape 2 and Western Cape 5 which brings the total to 55 012 deaths.

We convey our condolences to the loved ones of the departed and thank the health care workers who treated the deceased patients.

The cumulative recoveries now stand at 1 520 878, representing a recovery rate of 94,7%.


ProvinceTotal DeathsTotal RecoveriesActive Cases
Eastern Cape11614184 504332
Free State396984 5934 828
Gauteng10831414 0556 712
KwaZulu-Natal10441321 7765 511
Limpopo233661 556432
Mpumalanga141376 9951 111
North West175864 3983 887
Northern Cape96037 4014 826
Western Cape11690275 6001 723
Total55 0121 520 87829 362



Vaccination Rollout


The number of vaccinations completed under the Sisonke Protocol as at 18.30 today is 455 169.

Wishing our Muslim Brethren a Safe Eid Mubarak


The holy month of Ramadan has come to an end- we join the Muslim community in celebrating the Festival of Eid ul Fitr as loved ones come together to mark this auspicious occasion.

We celebrate Eid at a time when the world is faced with a major pandemic of devastating conse- quences to all. In South Africa we are seeing a resurgence that could turn into a fully blown third wave- having been through two devastating waves, we must work together to prevent history repeat- ing itself.

During Ramadan, our Muslim brethren have exercised discipline by abstaining from food, drink and other pleasures from sunrise to sunset. Their resilience has been strengthened by regular daily prayers- all of which makes this month so special.

I therefore appeal to the Muslim community and all South Africans to draw from this strength as we continue to celebrate our religious holidays responsibly. As we come together with our loved ones, let us not forget the rules of social distancing, wearing of masks and limiting the size of our gatherings.

Brothers and sisters, I wish you happiness and prosperity from the bottom of my heart and I pray that Allah makes our struggles meaningful and answers our prayers as we fight this pandemic. Together, we shall overcome, Inshallah!

Dr. Zwelini Mkhize

Minister of Health

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