Factory Inspector Training Course

The NIOH hosted a three day course for 17 Gauteng South Department of Labour Factory Inspectors. The training was designed to improve the skills of the inspectors in determining whether companies are complying with health and safety legislation. The course was very well received and comments included “we need more of such sessions”, “the course is very much eye opening, I have appreciated it”, ‘the training covered topics more than I expected”.

Day one (October 2009)

Basic requirements of the OSHAct, GAR and GSR, the role of the H&S reps and H&S committees, the principles behind the HCS Regs and OEL’s and understanding RA, hazard labels and MSDS were covered.

Day 1

Day 2 (February 2010)

Basic understanding of the regulations (HBA, Noise Induced Hearing Loss, Asbestos, Lead, Environmental regulations for workplace, Major Hazards Installations and Facility Regulations) were covered.

In February the NIOH hosted 15 Gauteng South Department of Labour Factory Inspectors for the second part of a three day course designed to improve their skills in determining compliance with health and safety legislation. The presentations, which are designed to be interactive, generated much enthusiastic discussion. The course was very well received and comments included “we need more of such sessions” , “the course is very much eye opening, I have appreciated it”. The third and final session will take place in April.

Day 2


Day 3 (April 2010)

Topics covered include AIA roles and responsibilities, specifying OH surveys, understanding survey reports. Our medical colleagues helped us understand the links between medical reports and risk assessments. Participants wrote exams at the end of each module. Practical exercises were given on day three to help the inspectors understand an Approved Inspection Authority report.


Dol inspectors work in groupsDOL inspectors work in groups

DOL inspectors work in groups evaluating several AIA Reports.


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