Ebola Outbreak In The Democratic Republic Of Congo


Situation update as of 19 June 2017

No new cases have been reported since 15 June 2017.

Since the emergence of EVD in the DRC, five laboratory-confirmed and three probable EVD cases including four deaths have been reported. An additional 99 suspected cases were also reported but tested negative for EVD and were not classified as cases. Reported cases remains confined to Likati Health Zone, Bas Uele Province bordering the Central African Republic. Of the four deaths reported, 1 was laboratory-confirmed and 3 were probable cases. All identified contacts have completed the follow-up monitoring period.

This is the eighth EVD outbreak in the DRC since 1976. The last outbreak occurred in 2014 with 66 cases and 49 deaths. The DRC has successfully contained previous EVD outbreaks, and has capacity and resources to respond appropriately.

There is a very low risk of transmission to South Africa. However, South African Emergency Departments and clinicians are advised to be on the alert for cases of fever and/or haemorrhagic symptoms amongst returning travellers from the area.

Malaria remains the commonest and most important cause of fever amongst persons returning from African destinations. South African Port Health authorities have been informed and continue to screen persons who enter via air ports for fever. No travel restrictions are in place.

For more information, see link below.








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