COVID-19 Update

As announced by his Excellency, President MC Ramaphosa, this evening the total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in South Africa is 12 074.

Case Data

Province New cases on 13 May


Total cases for 13 May


Percentage total
Eastern Cape 30 1534 12,7
Free State 2 138 1,1
Gauteng 61 2074 17,2
KwaZulu-Natal 19 1413 11,7
Limpopo 0 54 0,4
Mpumalanga 3 66 0,5
North West 1 52 0,4
Northern Cape 0 30 0,2
Western Cape 608 6713 55,6
Unknown 0 0 0,0
Total 724 12074 100,0


Testing Data 

A total of 386 352 tests have been conducted to date with 16 655 tests done in the last 24 hour cycle.

Sector Total tested   New tested  
Private 188 986 49% 8977 54%
Public 197 366 51% 7678 46%
Grand Total 386 352   16655  


Reported Deaths and Recoveries

Total Deaths: 219.

 Total Recoveries (as at 12 May 2020) 4745

Province Deaths Recoveries

(as at 12 May 2020)

Eastern Cape 24 632
Free State 6 107
Gauteng 24 1343
KwaZulu Natal 44 618
Limpopo 3 30
Mpumalanga 0 24
North West 1 24
Northern Cape 0 17
Western Cape 117 1950
Total 219 4745
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