Second outbreak of Ebola virus disease in Democratic Republic of Congo reported on 1 August 2018

Second outbreak of Ebola virus disease in Democratic Republic of Congo reported on 1 August 2018

2 August 2018

Following the announcement of the end of the Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) on 24 July 2018 (see WHO press release:, the Health Ministry of the DRC announced a second outbreak of EVD within its borders on 1 August 2018 (see WHO website:

A total of 26 cases of hemorrhagic fever was reported at 28 July, of which 20 had a fatal outcome. Subsequent laboratory testing confirmed EVD for four of six cases investigated. The cases have been reported from the city of Beni, located in the North Kivu health zone towards the eastern border of the DRC. This is a remote location in the DRC, located more than 3000 Km from the capitol Kinhasa. Containment efforts are being mobilized.

Currently it is not clear if there is a link between the previous and the current outbreaks, but due to the vast distance between the two locations (approximately 2500 Km), it is believed to be unlinked. Investigations are ongoing to determine the species of the virus involved in the current outbreak.

The regulations for evidence of a valid yellow fever vaccination certificate apply. Precautions against malaria should be applied as per routine practice. Malaria must be considered a high priority in the investigation and management of any febrile traveler.

Updated reports will be circulated as more information becomes available.

Follow these links to read more about EVD:

National Institute for Communicable Diseases:

World Health Organization, Ebola virus disease webpage:


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