Prof Brooke, Basil

Associate Professor Basil Brooke is the head of the Vector Control Reference Laboratory in the Centre for Emerging Zoonotic and Parasitic Diseases at the National Institute for Communicable Diseases located in Johannesburg, South Africa. He is a member of the Wits Research Institute for Malaria (WRIM) at the University of the Witwatersrand.
His collaborative research work over the past 20-years has primarily focused on identifying the entomological drivers of malaria transmission, especially insecticide resistance, vector species assemblages and their corresponding behavioral/physiological traits. This work applies directly to the development of strategies designed to maintain effective malaria vector control in South Africa and the greater southern African region. Professor Brooke is also integrally involved in the assessment of enhanced vector surveillance techniques, operational procedures for malaria outbreak response, new vector control products and alternative methods of control. Many of these projects have involved postgraduate student participation at the BSc Hons, MSc and PhD levels. He is also the editor of the NICD’s quarterly journal, the Public Health Surveillance Bulletin.

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