The current surge in COVID-19 infections seems to be showing signs of a sustained downward trend. Today the institute reports 7 338 new COVID-19 cases that have been identified in South Africa, which brings the total number of laboratory-confirmed cases to 2 836 773. This increase represents a 13.3% positivity rate.

The National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD), a division of the National Health Laboratory Service, continues to provide laboratory-based surveillance to inform the public health response towards COVID-19 in South Africa.

“Although the total number of cases today is higher than yesterday (n= 5 372) and higher than the average number of new cases per day over the previous seven days, the number of new cases and positivity rate have decreased nationally compared to last week,” says NICD Acting Executive Director Prof Adrian Puren. While there have been provincial disparities in the timing and extent of the third resurgence, he adds that all nine provinces are currently exhibiting a drop in daily new cases. “The provinces of Gauteng and Limpopo have already met the end-of-wave threshold criteria.”

As per the National Department of Health, a further 253 COVID-19 related deaths have been reported, bringing total fatalities to 84 152 to date.

16 878 061 tests have been conducted in both public and private sectors as per the table below.

SectorTotal testedNew tested
PRIVATE9 155 86554%26 17347%
PUBLIC7 722 19646%29 18253%
Total16 878 061 55 355 



The majority of new cases today are from KwaZulu-Natal (26%), followed by Western Cape (22%). Eastern Cape accounted for 17%; Free State accounted for 11%; Gauteng Province accounted for 8%; Northern Cape & North West each accounted for 5% respectively; Mpumalanga accounted for 4%, and Limpopo Province accounted for 2% of today’s new cases.

While the latest trends certainly provide some good news, Dr Michelle Groome, Head of the Division of Public Health Surveillance and Response cautions that “now is not the time for complacency”. She adds that wearing masks, hand hygiene and social distancing remain important measures to prevent the spread of the virus.

The number of hospitalisations and deaths have also decreased compared to last week. A total of almost 14 million vaccine doses have been administered, with over 10 million people fully vaccinated as of 7 September 2021 in South Africa. High vaccine coverage is essential to limit the impact of the virus on our lives and livelihoods in the coming months. “We all have a part to play by getting vaccinated and encouraging our family, friends and colleagues to do the same” appeals, Dr Groome.

The cumulative number of cases by province is shown in the table below:

ProvinceTotal cases for 07 September 2021Adjusted numbers after harmonisationUpdated total cases on 07 September 2021New cases on 08 September 2021Total cases for 08 September 2021
Eastern Cape278 2710278 2711 251279 522
Free State153 4360153 436791154 227
Gauteng909 3880909 388599909 987
KwaZulu-Natal494 4820494 4821 923496 405
Limpopo120 7660120 766121120 887
Mpumalanga147 2690147 269310147 579
North West145 7040145 704356146 060
Northern Cape84 726-184 72539685 121
Western Cape495 3931495 3941 591496 985
Total2 829 43502 829 4357 3382 836 773


The total number of cases today (n=7 338) is higher than yesterday (n= 5 372) and higher than the average number of new cases per day over the 7 preceding days (n=7 082)

The 7-day moving average daily number of cases has decreased

For more detailed information, visit the GIS Dashboard.

There has been an increase of 360 hospital admissions in the past 24 hours. The following table is a summary of reported COVID-19 admissions by sector.

SectorFacilities ReportingAdmissions
to Date
Died to DateCurrently Admitted
Private255194 32835 4915 206
Public409222 57754 1066 002
TOTAL664416 90589 59711 208

For updates on the national vaccine programme, click here.

Thank you for your interest and remember that adhering to preventative measures limits your risk of contracting and spreading COVID-19. For more information on COVID-19, click here.

Kind regards,
Sinenhlanhla Jimoh, Senior Communications Manager
National Institute for Communicable Diseases

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