The National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD), a division of the National Health Laboratory Service, continues the monitoring and surveillance of COVID-19 in order to inform the public health response.

Today the institute reports 16 435 new COVID-19 cases that have been identified in South Africa, which brings the total number of laboratory-confirmed cases to 2 253 240. This increase represents a 29.9% positivity rate.

Although the number of positive cases appears to be decreasing, testing is critical for understanding the spread of COVID-19 infection. It’s crucial to remember that the testing data is representative of those who came forward for testing, not necessarily a reflection of current community transmission in South Africa. Testing data is used to identify cases and follow up of contacts to limit transmission. This data is also used to predict, plan and deploy resources for risk mitigation.

Understanding that services have been adversely affected and services may be temporarily closed we encourage all our communities to seek medical help if they have COVID-19 symptoms such as fever, lethargy, a dry cough, or trouble breathing. Individuals who are unable to access testing facilities and believe they have been infected or have had direct contact with someone who has been confirmed positive should call the COVID -19 hotline on 0800 029 999, stay at home, quarantine for 10 days, and minimise contact with others.

As per the National Department of Health, a further 377 COVID-19 related deaths have been reported, bringing total fatalities to 65 972 to date.

14 100 628 tests have been conducted in both public and private sectors as per the table below.

SectorTotal testedNew tested
PRIVATE7 915 00956%27 08549%
PUBLIC6 185 61944%27 91351%
Total14 100 628 54 998 


The majority of new cases today are from Gauteng (44%), followed by Western Cape (18%). Limpopo and North West each accounted for 9%; Mpumalanga accounted for 7%; Eastern Cape accounted for 5%; Free State and KwaZulu-Natal each accounted for 3%; and Northern Cape accounted for 2% of today’s new cases

The cumulative number of cases by province is shown in the table below:

ProvinceTotal cases for 14 July 2021Adjusted numbers after harmonisationUpdated total cases on 14 July  2021New cases on 15 July 2021Total cases for 15 July 2021Percentage total
Eastern Cape215 6630215 663839216 5029.6
Free State121 3251121 326570121 8965.4
Gauteng792 13015792 1457 309799 45435.5
KwaZulu-Natal372 7932372 795490373 28516.6
Limpopo96 1163896 1541 43497 5884.3
Mpumalanga109 301-1109 3001 078110 3784.9
North West113 019-55112 9641 515114 4795.1
Northern Cape62 334062 33429962 6332.8
Western Cape354 1240354 1242 901357 02515.8
Total2 236 80502 236 80516 4352 253 240100.0


The total number of cases today (n= 16 435) is lower than yesterday (n= 17 489) and lower than the average number of new cases per day over the 7 preceding days (n=16 857).

The 7-day moving average daily number of cases has decreased

7-day moving average number of new cases by province and date of reporting, 12 April 2020 to date, South Africa.

For more detailed information, visit the GIS Dashboard.

There has been an increase of 726 hospital admissions in the past 24 hours. The following table is a summary of reported COVID-19 admissions by sector.

SectorFacilities ReportingAdmissions

to Date

Died to DateCurrently Admitted
Private257161 49327 68110 201
Public407173 73241 0587 203
TOTAL664335 22568 73917 404


For updates on the national vaccine programme, click here.

Thank you for your interest and remember that adhering to preventative measures limits your risk of contracting and spreading COVID-19. For more information on COVID-19, click here.

Kind regards,
Sinenhlanhla Jimoh, Senior Communications Manager
National Institute for Communicable Diseases

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