Following COVID-19 Preventative Measures After Vaccination

Some might question whether adherence to COVID-19 preventative measures is still necessary following vaccination. The answer is yes, and here’s why.

COVID-19 vaccines provide protection against developing severe disease and death, but it does not provide 100% protection against infection, and for that matter, transmission to others. For these reasons, those who have been inoculated should continue following preventative measures, which include the wearing of facemasks that covers both the nose and mouth, washing hands frequently or using an alcohol based hand sanitiser, maintaining physical distancing of 1.5m or more where possible, avoiding crowds and gathering in well ventilated spaces, if not outdoors.

Let’s not forget, each vaccination brings the country one step closer to population-immunity, so thank you for rolling up your sleeve and remember that adhering to preventative measures not only protects yourself, but also those around you.

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