23 December 2020

Today we report, with concern, that 14 046 COVID-19 cases have been identified since the last report at a positivity rate of 26%. Therefore, the cumulative total of COVID-19 cases today is 954 258.

This indicates that the virus continues to spread exponentially- indeed the rate of spread is much faster than the first wave and we will surpass the peak of the first wave in the coming days. We must warn South Africans that we will need to review the current restrictions and consider further measures to ensure that we curb this alarming rate of spread.


All provinces, with the exception of the Eastern Cape, continue to report increases in their cases with KwaZulu Natal, Western Cape and Gauteng Province registering the largest increases and compris- ing 81% of the new cases today (30%, 28% and 23% respectively).


Therefore, it will be important for us to evaluate the situation in these provinces, identify hotspots in these areas (and in other provinces where they may be identified) and make recommendations based on these findings and the outcomes of what has been implemented in the hotspots that have been identified so far.


We can never stress enough the need for citizens to take every precaution necessary as we celebrate the festive season and look for reprieve from a tough year. Unfortunately, COVID-19 is unrelenting and we therefore cannot afford to be complacent at this stage. We urge all South Africans to adhere to the regulations and recommendations pertaining to the National State of Disaster, avoid large gath- erings and congested environments, ensure adequate ventilation in venues where they gather and vigilantly adhere to non-pharmaceutical interventions: that is wearing of masks, social distancing and sanitization of hands and shared surfaces.



Case Data


ProvinceTotal cases for 23 December 2020Percentage total
Eastern Cape16245217,0
Free State610976,4
North West374913,9
Northern Cape243962,6
Western Cape18409119,3


A cumulative total of 6 269 776 tests have been conducted with 54 048 tests conducted since the last report

SectorTotal testedNew tested
PRIVATE3 638 63858%38 09570%
PUBLIC2 631 13842%15 95330%
Total6 269 77654 048




Our deaths continue to rise as well and today we are saddened to report an additional 411 COVID-19 related deaths: Eastern Cape 101, Free State 3, Gauteng 34, Kwa-Zulu Natal 90, Mpumalanga 6, North West 6 and Western Cape 171. This brings the total to 25 657 deaths.

We convey our condolences to the loved ones of the departed and thank the health care workers who treated the deceased patients.

ProvinceTotal DeathsTotal RecoveriesActive Cases
Eastern Cape6460143 40912 583
Free State214254 4224 533
Gauteng5260240 44117 465
KwaZulu-Natal3793128 99934 085
Limpopo53318 7321 638
Mpumalanga63031 6931 462
North West57734 1162 798
Northern Cape37222 0761 948
Western Cape5890137 48440 717
Total25 657811 372117 229


Our recoveries now stand at 811 372 but it is important to register the continued rise of active cases which now stand at 117 229.

Dr Zwelini Mkhize

Minister of Health


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