COVID-19 Update

As of today, the total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in South Africa is 7220.

Case Data

ProvincesCOVID-19 confirmed cases
Eastern Cape814
Free State125
North West35
Northern Cape25
Western Cape3362


Testing Data

A total of 257 541 tests have been conducted to date with 11 794 tests done in the past 24 hours

SectorTotal tested New tested 
Private128 14950%4 56939%
Public129 39250%7 22561%
Grand Total257 541 11 794 


Reported Deaths and Recoveries:

Regrettably, we report 7 more COVID-19 related deaths: 6 from Western Cape and 1 from KwaZulu Natal. This brings the total deaths nationally to 138.

We wish to express our condolences to the families of the deceased and thank the health care workers who treated these patients.

We are, however, pleased to report 2746 recoveries as of 2 May 2020.

The provincial breakdown is as follows:


(as at 2 may 2020)

Eastern Cape17341
Free State696
KwaZulu Natal35415
North West020
Northern Cape013
Western Cape64833


Hospital Burden

As at 2 May 2020 we had 411 people hospitalized in the country. This translates to approximately 5% of all COVID-19 confirmed patients and this is consistent with the hospitalization rates that were seen in China. Our mortality rate has remained stable at around 1.9% since the first death was reported. This is below the world average which is 3.4% as estimated by the World Health Organisation

As a reminder to all South Africans, the principle of flattening the curve is to limit the spread of the infection such that the numbers do not rise to the extent that they overwhelm the health care system.

As Winter sets in we will be confronted with the additional burden of influenza and other pneumonias, bronchiolitis in children, exacerbation of asthma and chronic obstructive air- ways disease and winter related trauma, like burns injuries.

I therefore urge each and every South African to continue to play your part in easing the load on the health care system- stay home if you do not have to venture out, wear a mask at all times in public places, wash your hands regularly and disinfect surfaces you normally come into contact with.

I also urge employers whose businesses have opened to take all the necessary measures to protect their employees.

I salute our health professionals- our doctors, nurses, care workers, community workers, allied health professionals, medical technicians, pharmacists, porters, cleaners, laboratory technicians and all our foot soldiers in the front line of health care who continue to serve under these trying times.

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