An increase in the number of Enteroviral Meningitis cases

An increase in the number of enteroviral meningitis cases has been reported from the Western Cape and Eastern Cape provinces since November 2018. All reported cases have resolved spontaneously and there have been no deaths. Enteroviral meningitis is a mild form of meningitis due to an enterovirus infections which include echo- and coxsackie viruses. Enteroviral meningitis is unrelated to serious meningitis infections caused by bacterial organisms.  Case numbers of enteroviral meningitis usually increase in warmer months. Enteroviruses are transmitted by faeco-oral transmission. Good hygiene may prevent transmission. The NICD and NHLS are conducting surveillance for enteroviral meningitis to better understand the reason for the increase in cases. Health care workers are requested to identify cases and submit specimens to the NICD/NHLS for testing.  Please refer to the ‘Enteroviral notification for health care workers.

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